The AIEEE 2009 paper has just been held today i.e on 26th April.The paper was of 432 marks with 30 questions in each section. According to the initial reactions of the students the paper was comparable with the previous year exam.
After analyzing the paper,we found chemistry and physics bit easier and mathematics was at par with the previous year examination.
The Predicted AIEEE 2010 cutoff would be posted soon till then check the AIEEE 2009 cutoff. Sorry for the delay guys,here is the predicted cutoff for AIEEE 2010
Rank Marks
1-500 More then 345
500-1000 332-345
1,000-5,000 280-332
5,000-10,000 248-280
10,000-20,000 215-248
20,000-40,000 176-215
40,000-50,000 162-176
50,000-100,000 130-162
Below 100,000 Less then 130
AIEEE 2009 cutoff
Rank Marks
500 339
1000 325
5000 270
10000 238
20000 200
40000 161
50000 148
70,000 129
100,000 115
(This was the actual cutoff for AIEEE 2009 with a margin of probably 1 to 2 marks ).
Analysis of the paper has been released by Aakash Institute.You can download it here
The poll would be added soon after when reliable AIEEE 2010 solutions are available
We expect full cooperation from you all and please comment sensibly.
Best of Luck to all !!