The All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Preliminary Entrance (AIPMT) Examination is held every year on 1st Sunday of April. In the year 2010, the first Sunday falls on 4th April, 2010 which is EASTER SUNDAY. Accordingly, Board has decided to fix the date of Preliminary Stage Examination on 11th April, 2010 (Second Sunday), though the IIT JEE 2010 has been fixed on the same date so the CBSE has rescheduled the AIPMT Preliminary Examination on 3rd April, 2010 (Saturday).
Though the AIPMT Final Examination would be held on 16th May, 2010(Sunday) according to the schedule.
The pattern of AIPMT 2010 for both Preliminary and Final Stage Examinations would be OBJECTIVE.
We would be posting more information as and when available,so let the discussion begin.